Wednesday, November 01, 2006

linkage - tail docking (old) 1995 research into the practice of tail docking in dairy cows
Scroll down to about halfway for the relevant article.
Strangely, I find the conclusions drawn are rather bothersome - but perhaps I read too much into the suggestion that because some farmers cope alright with being hit by tails, everyone should have to put up with it.

Discovered courtesy of site meter - no better way of wasting time than following the backlinks (In general, if a visitor drops in on your blog from the Google Express there's a good chance that they've entered a search entry of interest to the blog owner, and worth following).


At 7:36 PM, Blogger nellta holdings said...


All my cows have tails, saving the ones I bought this spring.

But I don't choose to judge the farmers who do cut them off.

I'm glad you enjoy being hit in the face by shitty tails every milking - I don't. And if I put up with it, I'm not going to insist that my neighbour has to. Unfortunately the law now is that we all have to put up with it.

At 7:45 PM, Blogger nellta holdings said...


It does help to read thoroughly before commenting. I specifically did not say I was bothered by being hit by cow's tails - it was the conclusions drawn by the study that concerned me.

I wrote a full article on my views on tail docking elsewhere - let me know your e-mail adress if you're interested in the further discussion rather than just the emotive aspects. Do your cows have the horns they were born with? Are they raising their calves, or are you a milk drinker like the rest of us? Once you look closely at animal welfare, you'll find that the extremists would rather slaughter the entire cattle population of the world than allow farming.


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