Thursday, October 12, 2006

Food for busy farmers

Not quite as simple as toast, but worth it:

Roll out half a 400g block of bought puff pastry (do the same tomorrow, or throw the other half on top of a casserole tonight). Make a nice big square, then cut it into four. Take two small eating apples, peel, core and dice into a bowl and add a handful of raisins, then mix. Place a quarter of the mix on a corner of each of the four squares and endeavour to fold each pastry square into a triangle, using whatever means are at your disposal to make the edges meet over the diced apple.
Place the apple turnovers on a lightly oiled tray, sprinkle them with allspice and rub about half a teaspoon of honey over the top of each turnover. Bake at 180 C until the pastry is risen and the honey your preferred shade of black. Eat two with dinner, two on your way out to milking in the morning.

Would-be guzzlers should be easily dissuaded if shown the hands that made them, accompanied by an oblique reference to bugs (without any mention of the likelihood of bugs surviving ten minutes at 180 C).


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